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We have been working with the Geometa platform development team since 2013. On its basis, the “Information and Analytical System of Urban Development Management of the Territory of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk” (hereinafter referred to as System) was implemented.
The main tasks solved using the System:
- Organization of a bank of spatial data of the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
- Maintaining the State Information System for Urban Planning.
- Updating urban planning documentation.
- Automation and control of the provision of municipal services in the field of urban planning and land use.
The Geometa platform has evolved greatly over the years, which significantly affected the efficiency of our institutions. The main drivers for increasing efficiency were the following reasons:
- Due to the transition to the Web interface, it was possible to reduce the technical requirements for client workstations.
- Spatial data allowed the consolidation of many unrelated documents.
- Implemented fast and convenient cross-search of documents and spatial data.
- Subsystem “Change of territory planning documentation” significantly reduced the costs of maintaining the current state of the territory planning map.
- The popular open-source software GeoServer used in Geometa made it possible to provide access to the bank of spatial data from other municipal information systems.
- Deep integration with the Region Geographic Information System turned the System into a municipal segment of a two-level regional information system, which, in turn, had a positive effect on maintaining the State Information System for Urban Planning.
Over the entire period of operation with the platform, we have developed fruitful cooperation with the Geometa development team. We hope that it will remain so since our system has room for improvement.